goods 11 days in Syria, Lebanon travel. Here first is Part I of Syria (even though we were first in Lebanon)
Aleppo - Aleppo- حلب
three cities we visited in Syria, who could almost not be. I have truly been put first, that the middle east is not the same Middle East. The states (at least what I've seen so far, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt) are different from the natural and cultural rather clearly distinguished. And now in Syria, I notice the stark difference between the different cities. In
Aleppo on the road few women are seen. And if they are seen, rather then less often as veiled. It is of course a little bit out of you in which district you are. But many times I've moved on with maybe 2-3 women own less than 100 men. And I like not so.
But Aleppo is a remarkable City. Much of the old city remains. Most of all I added the "souq" fallen, the narrow streets with a small shop next to the other, which is covered in Aleppo, as a long but narrow Gewoelbekeller with branches.
And the fortress in the middle of the city is also fairly well preserved. So if I then would an attacker, I would be here no later turned over again (especially because I know that the castle has holes from which the Aleppolaner hot oil on attackers have injected).
the way, has taken place a day before our arrival, a public execution, the first since 1989. Five young Manenner have been hanged, before the "Clock Tower", another tourist attraction.
Latakia اللاذقية
Latakia has against Aleppo really nothing to offer. Ok, just a port and the sea. But why I mention it yet, Lattakia in Syria should be the city with the most population. And, we also noticed that girls here, some in short and narrow applications, including evenings are on the road. To what extent the population is modern or otherwise, I can not say this, we were really just to stay overnight there ...
Damascus دمش
well so far one of the most beautiful cities, if not the most beautiful city I've ever seen. Where the assessment mainly only refers to the old town. The people here are very different from all dressed up to conceal the west. Perhaps that is why the people here are more open and less judicial. The city is lively and a lot happens on the street, good restaurants, cafes and great music.
Posted by Luise
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